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Privacy Policy Web App

This Privacy Policy, which is provided pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation EU n. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR”), describes the processing of your personal data carried out by My MAIA Inc. – EIN: 92-3279708 – commercially named MAIA (“Company” or “we”, “us”, “our”) when you use the MAIA platform (“MAIA Web App”).

As explained more in detail in the T&Cs, MAIA Web App services are provided to you, if you sign up and pay for the subscription and aim to provide you with personalized experiences and results based on your preferences, expressed through your choices made when you create your personal profile, through your online browsing and through your research.  

By way of premise, please consider that MAIA Web App services can only be provided if you give the Company the opportunity to identify your preferences. Since the very object of the services provided by creating MAIA Web App account is the customization of the feeds and search results you are given, should you not wish to be profiled, we will not be able to provide you with related services. 

Protection and privacy of your personal data are our priority. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will process it. 

Click on the item below you are interested in for more information about it.

My MAIA Inc.

Address: 257 Old Churchmans Road, DE. 19720
E-mail: [email protected]

Indirizzo: Kathleen Court Trip il Kappucini, Flat 1 – Zabbar – MALTA
Indirizzo: e-mail [email protected]

The data controller has appointed a DPO (Data Protection Officer) who can be contacted at e-mail: [email protected]

MAIA Web App navigation data – Cookies

While navigating and interacting with MAIA Web App, the Company and/or its partners collect navigation data (with your permission whenever it is mandatory by applicable law):

  1. technical information including: IP address, information on the device, operating system, browser and software you use;
  2. information on the navigation on the MAIA Web App including: URL of pages browsed and the activities carried out on these pages, date and time of access, duration of access and clickstream.

This information is collected to ensure the best functioning, management, and maintenance of the MAIA Web App as well as the in order to ensure you a safe experience on the MAIA Web App and to ascertain the liability in case of any breach or unlawful access. 

In addition, we analyse these information -also as aggregated data- in order to obtain statistics on the performance of the MAIA Web App. 

Furthermore, by subscribing our services, with the acceptance of the specific behavioural cookies, we will process your navigation data in order to provide you the services, aimed at personalizing your experience and creating a service tailored to you, providing you with search results that are in line with your interests and preferences.

You are completely free to provide your navigation data. However, the refusal to provide for the necessary information may make the access and the navigation on MAIA Web App as well as connected services impossible. 

We will store these data as long as they are necessary for the purpose for which they are collected. Navigation data are collected with the use of cookies. In order to understand how cookies work in particular or how to enable or disable them, please see our Cookie Policy at https://mymaia.ai/privacy

Data provided by creating a user account

By filling the form on our MAIA Web App to create your account and, subsequently, by using our services, you will provide us with the following data:

Name and surname, place and date of birth, e-mail address, country, postal address, profile picture, gender, and your main interests, as well as your tax code for the issuance of the receipt of purchase or invoice, if required by the user.

By creating your profile, we will consider you a user of MAIA Web App and a member of the relevant community.

Data that you provide when you query MAIA Web App to search the web or your calendar (if synchronized) 

Whenever you conduct specific searches you may share personal data, which may be common data (including photos and videos), as well as special categories of personal data under article 9 of GDPR (i.e. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation). 

There is a possibility that such data will also be processed, or even more so if the user activates synchronization of its calendar. In this case, synchronization of your calendar do not allow plain-text access to all related content,  only if and when a certain search is made within the calendar, the AI system will be able to recognize within the content of the calendar the information entered by the user in the search input for the purpose of providing the results, through the mechanism of so-called embeddings. Embeddings are the result of an AI algorithm that extracts the “semantic meaning” from the input, translating it into a sequence of numbers. The sequence of numbers of the embeddings is not decipherable, as the original content cannot be reconstructed from the digit.

In conclusion, the search/extraction of content from the database made of calendar occurs on content that is “encrypted” indirectly: what happens is that the different AI modules, based on the type of query made by the user, extract from the calendar the main information/concepts/keywords to enable the performance of the research-service.

To ascertain that the calendar you want to synchronize belongs to you, you will be sent a request for verification using strong authentication mechanisms.

If you subscribe for the MAIA Web App, you agree to share such data with the Company, as they are necessary to the Company itself to provide you MAIA Web App’s services: sharing such data with our Company remains your sole responsibility.MAIA Web App does not originate nor it is designed for the processing, elaboration or storage of data relating to criminal convictions and offenses; therefore, the user is prohibited from sharing such data through the use of the services.

Data that you provide when you when you query MAIA Web App to search within your chats with other users 

When you request MAIA Web App to made research within your chats with other users, the above paragraph applies both in terms of the data you share by running requests, and in terms of the data that the Company has access to. With regard to this last point, as explained above, the Company does not have plain-test access to all the relevant content, but the mechanism of embeddings explained above is used to provide search results. 

When you use our services to make or receive calls or send and receive messages, we may collect log information related to calls and messages, such as contacts, phone number, caller number, receiver number, detour numbers, sender and receiver, time and date of calls and messages, call duration, routing information, and types and volumes of calls and messages, as well as whether and when you viewed the messages you received.

If you subscribe for the MAIA Web App, you agree to share such data with the Company, as they are necessary to the Company itself to provide you relevant services: sharing such data with our Company remains your sole responsibility.

Data you provide when you conduct voice searches, when you activate the search results service with personalized voice or when you activate the voice conversation summary service

When you use your voice to configure the search results service with personalized voice, to do research or when you request to summarize the content of voice messages, or voice live conversations (i.e. calls, video-calls, conference calls) between MAIA Web App users, we process not only users’ voice data, but all personal data contained in such research or conversations, including third parties’ ones.

When the user requests the activation of the summary service of voice messages or voice live conversations with other users it is inherent to the provision of the summary service the need to access the plain-text content of such voice messages and live conversations.

In this scenario, MAIA Web App might process all data shared between people taking part to the voice messages and live conversations that are summarized, which may be common data, as well as special categories of personal data under article 9 of GDPR (i.e. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation). 

By activating these services, you agree to share such data with the Company. Other users taking part to the conversations may deny their consent to the summary service by refusing to participate in the voice-live conversation: in this case, this service cannot be provided to the user who requested it.

MAIA Web App does not originate nor it is designed for the processing, elaboration or storage of data relating to criminal convictions and offenses; therefore, the user is prohibited from sharing such data through the use of the services. About the configuration of the search result service with personalized voice, it is forbidden to use the voice of third parties who have not expressly consented to it, and in any case, it is absolutely forbidden to use the voice of minors.

Data provided by the user when it archives its own files, documents and images or when it creates or shares multimedia content with third parties through MAIA Web App’s content generation or content sharing services

When you upload files, documents, or images to your MAIA Web App archive or when you create or edit digital content made through the ACTION service, the UKNOW service, and other content generation or content sharing services of MAIA Web App, you may also share personal data, which may be common data (including photos and videos), as well as special categories of personal data under Article 9 of the GDPR.

MAIA Web App does not originate nor it is designed for the processing, elaboration or storage of data relating to criminal convictions and offenses; therefore, the user is prohibited from sharing such data through the use of the services.

Data about your interests, habits, and preferences

Through the analysis of your data filled in the registration form, as well as your online behaviour, including your researches via the MAIA Web App, and, to the extent explained in the paragraphs above, the contents of your e-mail account and calendar, if synchronized with the MAIA Web App, and of your chats and live conversations with other users and phone conversations non-users, as well as in the use of the various MAIA Web App services,  we will analyse your habits and preferences in order to provide you the services, i.e. targeted search results and accurate, relevant, and personalized feedback that reflect your interests and preferences. This includes the provision, in the UFEED section, of news of your interest, drawn from sources we know you prefer. 

Personal data that fall within tThe special categories of data under article 9 of the GDPR nor data relating to criminal convictions and offences under article 10 of GDPR are not subject to profiling activity, that the user, despite the prohibition, should share using MAIA Web App, as well as all data that are not specifically indicated in the fields (shown as “nodes”) that you find within your Personal Profile Graph in the MAIA Web App, which will be immediately deleted.

You may update your interests and preferences anytime, giving your specific feeds to content that is shown to you by MAIA Web App when it provides results to your searches or through the Personal Profile Graph. As the latter, it is possible to add and delete items of interest (entered by the user or tracked by MAIA Web App) that are in the “nodes” within the Personal Profile Graph, as well as the entire field/“node” (e.g., if you no longer wish to be profiled with respect to the “family” field, you can delete/deactivate the entire “node” of the Personal Profile Graph).


The Company will use such data also to produce analytical reports of aggregated data which we then use for statistical purposes and, upon you consent, for Company’s marketing purposes as well as to pass on to partners and third parties for their own marketing purposes, subject to your consent. Advertising could be submitted to you either through the app or through other channels.

Localization data

The Company may collect information about your localization if you activate it when you use MAIA Web App services, which helps us offer features such as search results or news related to local information.

Your location can be determined with varying degrees of accuracy, via: GPS and other data from your device’s sensors

IP address, activity on the browsers you usually use (such as your searches and the places you label as home or work), information about what is nearby your device, such as Wi-Fi access points.

The types of location data we collect and how long we store it depends on the settings on the browser you use.

Data provided by the user when you contact us

When you give us feedback on the results that MAIA Web App shows you, when you make reports or complaints, or when you contact us for support, we will process any data you decide to share to enable us to respond to your request.

Third-party data

By activating our services, you may also share with the Company personal data, whether common data, special categories of personal data, that are related to third parties who are not MAIA Web App users.

In this scenario, the use and sharing such data with our Company remains your sole responsibility, subject to the prohibitions on the use of data of minors under the terms set forth in the Terms and Conditions. 

The Company will not use such data in the context of services provided to other MAIA Web App users and undertakes not to share such data with third party data controllers.

The MAIA Web App may allow links to other websites or internet resources operated by third parties. With regard to privacy protection instruments and the processing of personal data collected by such websites (including social network, if applicable), please refer to the relevant privacy policies. The Company cannot in any way be held responsible for the processing of personal data carried out by such websites or third-party pages.


Purpose of data processing

Legal basis for processing personal data

Data retention period

Check and ensure the proper functioning of the MAIA Web App

Legitimate interest under article 6 par. 1 lett. f) of GDPR

For 7 days from the recording of the data

Preventing malicious and hacking attacks  

Legitimate interest under article 6 par. 1 lett. f) of GDPR

For 7 days from the recording of the data or, in the case of unlawful acts, for the time necessary to prosecute those acts.

Activate the user account and provide the user access to the services

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

     For 3 years from the termination of the user’s subscription contract, for whatever reason occurred.

Issue and submit to user a receipt of purchase (or an invoice if required) of the Level II user account and relevant services

Compliance with a legal obligation under article 6 par. 1 lett. c) of GDPR

For the period required to comply with a legal obligation or to defend a right of the Company before a judicial, administrative or other authority

Provide the user with personalized search results via the MAIA Web App as well as targeted news in the UFEED section

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

For 3 years from the termination of the user’s subscription contract, for whatever reason occurred

Provide the user with targeted searches in the user’s real-time location area and provide feeds related to the user’s places of interest (Localization)

Specific consent which may be withdrawn at any time under article 6 par. 1 lett. a) of GDPR

For the period set by you on the browser you use or until consent is withdrawn.

Send and receive messages and chat with users and with non-users of MAIA Web App, written or voice, have calls, video-calls and conferences calls

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

 For 3 years from the termination of the user’s subscription contract, for whatever reason occurred

Provide the service of summarizing voice messages  

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

The voice-recording will be stored for 1 hour after the message is received. If the summary service is activated by this time, the voice message will be transcribed so that the summary can then be processed. The voice-recording and transcription will be deleted as soon as the summary is available, while the summary there of is kept for 1 year.

Provide the service of summarizing live conversations between MAIA Web App users or non-users  

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR, for the user who activates the service.

Specific consent which may be given and withdrawn at any time under article 6 par. 1 lett. a) of GDPR, for the users or non-users participating in summarized live conversations.

The voice-recording will be stored for 1 hour after the end of the conversation. If the summary service is activated by this time, the live conversation will be transcribed so that the summary can then be processed. The voice-recording and transcription will be deleted as soon as the summary is available, while the summary thereof is kept for 1 year.

Manage and keep track of the purchase of the subscription account by the user correctly, including submission of messages to user regarding the status of the transaction requested by the user

Performance of the service required by users as well compliance with the law under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) and c) of GDPR

For the period required to comply with a legal obligation or to defend a right of the Company before a judicial, administrative or other authority

Provide you with personalized search results and feeds that match your interests and preferences, on the basis of the analysis of your interests and preferences

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

For 3 years from the termination of the user’s subscription contract, for whatever reason occurred, unless the user permanently deletes the search and message history

Allow users to keep track of their research and conversations undertaken through MAIA Web App

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

For 3 years from the termination of the user’s subscription contract, for whatever reason occurred, unless the user permanently deletes the search and message history

Provide you with the assistance you have requested by contacting us via the MAIA Web App

Performance of the service required by users under article 6 par. 1 lett. b) of GDPR

For the period necessary to provide a response to your request, subject to the possibility of extending this period where this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or to defend a right of the Company before a judicial, administrative or other authority

Provide you targeted advertising concerning other services of the Company

Specific consent which may be withdrawn at any time under article 6 par. 1 lett. a) of GDPR

For 24 months from the collection of data used for the targeted advertising or until consent is withdrawn.

Transfer your personal data, even in aggregate form, to third parties who process them for their own purposes independently of the Company, including marketing purposes

Specific consent which may be withdrawn at any time under article 6 par. 1 lett. a) of GDPR

For 24 months from the collection of data or until consent is withdrawn.

Once the above retention periods have expired your personal data will be destroyed, erased or made anonymous, subject to technical deletion and backup procedures. Likewise, this implements in any event if you decide to delete your account, subject to legal obligations that sometimes require us to retain the data.

The MAIA Web App services are not directed to individuals under the age of eighteen (18).
Therefore, if a user fills forms on our MAIA Web App, we assume he/she is at least 18 years old. On the basis of this premise, any consent to data processing given by the user on our MAIA Web App shall be deemed valid. In any case, any consent given on our MAIA Web App by a person under sixteen (16) years of age shall in any event be deemed invalid.

If you, as the legal representative or guardian of a minor, are giving consent to the processing of personal data on behalf of a child under eighteen (18) years of age then please be aware that minors need specific protection with regard to their personal data, as they may be less aware of the risks, consequences and safeguards concerned, and also of their rights in relation to the processing of personal data for the purposes of using these services. In such event, you assume any responsibility connected thereto.
By accepting this privacy policy, on behalf of a minor, you are giving permission for their data to be used for the purposes described above and the Company will not be held responsible in any way.

Personal data will only be processed by employees and collaborators of the Company and its European representative expressly authorised by the Company to process them.

Your personal data may be disclosed to and processed by third parties acting as data controllers such as, by way of example:

• public authorities, supervisory authorities, control bodies, law enforcement agencies, and, in general, public or private parties (such as legal advisors, accountants, auditors) where necessary for the exercise or protection of our rights, as well as to comply with legal obligations;
• public or private third parties – as the case may be – in the context of extraordinary operations, including M&A operations, transfer of company assets and other transactions, for legitimate interests of the Company, to the extent permitted by applicable law;
• private third parties (including Company’s partners or affiliates) for the performance of the MAIA Webb App services and/or for purposes under this Privacy Policy;
• private third parties (including the Company’s partners or affiliates), for their own direct marketing purposes, subject to your prior consent thereto.
The data may be processed, on behalf of the data controller, by third parties acting as data processors, who are given appropriate operating instructions, such as:
• Service providers (including IT developers and programmers, cloud providers, e-mail providers),
• Advisors,
• Accountants,
• IT developers and programmers

Such data processors have been selected among professionals who guarantee the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures, so that the processing is always carried out in compliance with applicable legislation and ensuring the protection of data subjects’ rights. The updated list containing the data processors is available by sending a written communication to the data controller or an e-mail to [email protected]

The Company is located in USA.
During the performance of the processing activities hereunder, it may store or transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU or European Economic Area. the Company ensure that all possible transfers outside the EU or EEA will be made in such a way as to guarantee the full and effective protection of your rights and freedoms. To this purpose, if no adequacy decision has been issued by the EU Commission with regard to the extra EU/EEA country to which the data is transferred, the Company will implement the proper safeguard measure in pursuance of Articles 46 ff. of GDPR performing due diligence checks with all importer of personal data to assess and verify that they have appropriate safeguards in place to protect the data. You can obtain evidence of the safeguard’s measures taken by the Company by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

You can obtain access to your personal data and relevant copy, as well as their erasure, the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data, or the limitation of the processing of your personal data according to Article 18 of GDPR;
You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time in relation to your particular situation. Right to object to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes is absolute and can be exercised at any time (Article 21 of GDPR).
If the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (Article 7 of GDPR).
If the conditions for the right to data portability under Article 20 of the GDPR are met, you have the right to receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device the personal data you provided us and, where technically feasible, to the secure transmission of your personal data to another data controller.
In order to protect your rights and your personal data, anytime, you may decide to file a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (in particular, in the EU State where you usually reside or work or in the State where any alleged violation of your data has been committed).
You can exercise you rights by writing to the data controller by mail, at the above address, or by e-mail at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
It is understood that, where your request is made by electronic means, the information will be provided in a commonly used electronic format.

This Privacy Policy is constantly updated. For this reason, we indicate the date of the latest update at the head of this Privacy Policy. In case you have already provided your personal data to the Company, you will be informed about any substantial change with the appropriate means with a view to ensuring full transparency of the processing and full and adequate protection of your rights. However, we invite you to constantly check the Privacy Policy to be informed on its updates.

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My MAIA Inc.
257 Old Churchmans Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA
EIN: 92-3279708