The All-in-One
AI for Everything
You Need

AI for Everyone,
Tailored to Every Need




One app, countless benefits
Get professional answers
in an instant, with zero
effort with Maia.
High-quality images
in a seamless,
creative experience.
Your privacy, our priority.
Maia keeps your privacy
safe, filtering all interactions.
One app, countless benefits
Get professional answers in an instant, with zero effort with Maia.
High-quality images in a seamless, creative experience.
Your privacy, our priority. Maia keeps your privacy safe, filtering all interactions.
Get the answers you need with Ufind

Interact with your files using Uknow
Bring your ideas to life with Maia

Create high-quality images for any need, powered by advanced visual generation.

Interact directly with your favorite apps
in an instant: Maia makes life easier.

Interact directly with your favorite apps
in an instant: Maia makes life easier.

Coming soon
Need a contract, a technical report, or a specialized article?
Saying About Maia

“ Maia has incredible and unlimited potential, she optimized my search time by giving me the results I was looking for and additional information that was difficult to find in a traditional search. ”

“ I used Maia to create the itineraries for my last trips to Panama and Thailand. In addition to providing me with all the precise data, she was able to optimize costs and especially research times. ”

“Having Maia analyze and summarize websites and YouTube videos has saved me a lot of time by being able to search for instant information.”

“Thanks to Mais's always up-to-date search, I was able to find tickets, hotels, restaurants, everything I needed in a few minutes in a simple and fast way without wasting hours.”

Thomas Roger
“It was born, it saves me time, allows me to learn, to improve my cooking, to summarize videos from different sources and all that while strictly respecting my privacy.”

“I ask her everything: the release date of a film, the author of a book I liked, the address of a restaurant (and she always gives me good advice), a word I don’t understand.”

"I use Maia for research and image creation, which are of superior quality compared to other AIs. The translation, summarization, and audio transcription features are super useful. Maia is simple, intuitive, and perfect as a daily assistant!"
"Since I started using Maia, creating images has become a pleasure. The quality is superior to other AIs, and its simplicity allows me to fully express my creativity!"

“It was amazing to see how, with just a simple request, Maia generated a fantastic image! Just a few words are enough to achieve incredible results!”