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MAIA Life copilot

MAIA’s generative AI delivers an unparalleled experience.


Your universal search companion

In today’s digital age, online search can be complex. Ufind, MAIA’s advanced search function, revolutionizes this process.
MAIA trasforma la ricerca in un dialogo interattivo, permettendoti di affinare le tue richieste in tempo reale, proprio come con un esperto consulente.
MAIA transforms search into an interactive dialogue, allowing you to refine your queries in real time, just like consulting with an expert.
By harnessing your Personal Profile Graph and advanced technology, MAIA precisely understands your needs. For instance, it can identify your workplace and colleagues, suggesting the ideal restaurant for a business lunch.
These data collection tools go beyond surface-level results, engaging with e-commerce and marketplaces.
This feature provides instant summaries of websites or YouTube videos by simply entering the URL, saving valuable time.
Ufind enables users to consolidate their Word, PowerPoint, PDFs, emails, calendar events, and images into a single data “container,” enhancing personalized search.
    • Data Extraction and Analysis: MAIA can extract and analyze data from a variety of documents and websites, providing summaries or key statistics in seconds. 
    • Export and Integration: Search results can be exported and shared across different platforms.
MAIA safeguards your personal data by acting as an intermediary and filter. It ensures that your information is never stored or used for AI model training, and protects you from web cookie profiling.


Turn Your Knowledge into Interaction

Uknow is an innovative solution by MAIA that converts documents, images, audio, video, and websites into interactive chats capable of providing real-time responses. Its accessibility enables anyone to create a knowledge-sharing platform, making it available to a global audience through MAIA’s generative artificial intelligence.
Uknow integra un sistema di file management semplificato per facilitare l’esperienza utente. Agisce come un contenitore sicuro e privato per i tuoi file, analizzandoli e trasformandoli in una fonte di conoscenza personalizzata.
Uknow integrates a simplified file management system to facilitate the user experience. It acts as a secure and private container for your files, analyzing them and turning them into a personalized source of knowledge.
Uknow allows you to upload text documents, website links, images, voice messages from other apps, YouTube videos, and even emails. MAIA’s advanced AI processes your content, turning it into an interactive knowledge base accessible via chat. It also offers quick actions such as summarizing, transcribing, paraphrasing, and translating.
After uploading your content, personalize your Uknow by renaming it and configuring settings according to your preferences.
Uknow generates a unique public link ready to be freely shared.
Anyone with access to the link can engage with your Uknow, asking questions and receiving answers based on the uploaded information.
Examples of use
Trasforma informazioni turistiche in un Uknow che risponde a domande sui luoghi da visitare, ristoranti e attività.
Transform tourist information into a Uknow that provides answers about popular destinations, recommended restaurants, and local activities.
Create an educational Uknow by uploading study materials and links to online resources.
Offer workout plan and nutrition advice through a dedicated Uknow.
Provide details about local events, including schedules and locations, through a community-focused Uknow.
Turn your favorite cooking blog or recipe sites into a Uknow that provides cooking tips and answers culinary questions.

Text to speech

Transforming Answers into Voice

MAIA enables you to experience its content through natural and engaging voices generated by Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology. This ensures a high-quality listening experience.

MAIA prevede contenuti ottimizzati per il TTS in base al dispositivo utilizzato. Questo ti consente di accedere alle informazioni in modo più comodo e flessibile, anche quando sei in movimento.
MAIA offers TTS-optimized content customized for your device, providing flexible and convenient access to information on the go.
MAIA’s team has developed customized voices using advanced training techniques, ensuring exceptional voice quality perfectly suited to your content. These voices are designed to be natural and captivating, significantly enhancing the user experience.
Soon, you’ll be able to clone your voice, making interactions even more personal and unique. This means you can listen to your favorite content narrated in your own voice, offering a level of personalization never seen before.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Transform any text into audio, making information accessible to everyone, including users with visual impairments.
  • Natural Listening Experience: The generated voices are natural and fluid, thanks to the personalized training process.
  • Advanced Customization: Clone your own voice for a truly personalized listening experience.
  • Versatility of Use: Use TTS to listen to business documents, informational articles, educational content, and more, wherever you are.



Enhances access and interaction with informational and entertainment content

It personalizes and predicts content tailored to each user, revolutionizing the traditional media format.
  • Descrizione: Trasforma notizie e video in clip interattive. Ogni clip contiene cinque domande personalizzate per diverse categorie di utenti.
  • Interattività: Le clip sono card multimediali interattive, con immagini create dall’AI e una chat integrata per ulteriori domande e approfondimenti.
  • Personalizzazione: Le Q&A sono su misura per ogni utente, offrendo un’esperienza unica. La “Prediction Mode” permette di esplorare scenari futuri per ogni notizia.
  • Description: Transform news and videos into interactive clips. Each clip includes five customized questions for different user categories.
  • Interactivity: LClips are interactive multimedia cards with AI-generated images and an integrated chat for additional questions and insights.
  • Personalization: Q&As are tailored to each user, providing a unique experience. The “Prediction Mode” allows exploration of future scenarios for each news item.
  • Description: Introduces adaptive learning elements that anticipate user information and entertainment needs.
  • Benefits: Each clip serves as a starting point for broader conversations, ensuring interactive and responsive engagement.
  • Description: Users can upload their own videos, enriching the platform with a wide variety of content.
  • Benefits: Promotes active community participation and diverse content contributions.
  • Prediction Mode and Scores: Users can select “Prediction Mode” for each news item, featuring three guided outcomes with probability scores.
  • Description: Allows users to predict and create their own outcomes for news stories by choosing from proposed scenarios and adding personal directions.
  • Interactivity: Users can customize outcomes and share them within the community.
  • Engagement: The community can actively read, comment on, and vote for their preferred outcomes, fostering a dynamic and participatory environment.


is within your credit's reach

With the MAIA Credits system, accessing your favorite MAIA features is easier than ever. Every feature—from image generation to smart search to media management—uses a specific number of credits. This lets you use MAIA efficiently, paying only for what you truly use.
Credits are deducted only for the features you actually use, giving you maximum flexibility. Choose between the Free or Elite plan based on your needs, and if necessary, add extra credits during times of increased usage. Manage everything with the built-in counter that tracks your credits in real time.



Notes Always by Your Side

Unote is the ideal solution for keeping track of thoughts, ideas, and daily tasks. Thanks to its integration with MAIA, Unote offers an instant annotation system that allows you to quickly capture any information. You can input notes via text or voice, and MAIA will automatically organize them into relevant categories, facilitating easy retrieval and management of your notes. Notes can be searched by content or date, and enhanced with features like reminders. This makes Unote an indispensable companion for organizing your daily life.



Your Creative Powered Platform

MAIA’s Action transforms how you create and share digital content. This platform features an intuitive interface that simplifies the creative process, enabling you to bring your ideas to life without facing steep learning curves. With MAIA’s artificial intelligence, you can effortlessly produce videos and multimedia content, incorporating AI-suggested effects and soundtracks. Once completed, content can be shared directly on your social channels or published on MAIA Action’s viewer. Action delivers a seamless and gratifying content creation experience, powered by cutting-edge AI technology.

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My MAIA Inc.
257 Old Churchmans Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA
EIN: 92-3279708